Hey all! Made a new account for anonymity but what would you do if ...

this happened to me once. but here's a couple of reasons why you don't want to leave it in a different aisle 1. Murphy's law and the chance that something weird could happen and when you think scanning is going fine you can still here that normal scan beep and the device be on the wrong screen and not in the app screen and mess up your scans
2. someone could fuck with your device just because but I get it..... it's just easier
I use the devices 2D built in scanner because it's faster , more accurate as far as aiming at codes to scan and sure it's a pain sometimes having to set it down to stow big boxes or what not...

also because like you I can't stand wearing that on my arm which is not large enough or square enough . for a while I wore it on my ankle lol

/r/AmazonFC Thread