Hey Reddit, did you ever get suspended or expelled from school? If so, what for?

I have a tendency to overreact, but one day I took it too far.

I was sent to the office because I told one kid to fuck himself for saying I was a dumb aspie. When I got there the administrator told me that I would be suspended for a day and that she would give me continuing disciplinary action just because I told one kid to fuck himself.

So, I got angry. I snapped and told her she was taking it too far and was being the power-hungry bitch that she was. She called for some counselors and they took me to another room to cool down. But while I was there I made... threats. I acknowledged how one day the school illegally took funding from a charity fundraiser for leukemia so they could buy television sets hooked up to the cafeteria to display poorly made memes and WWII-esque propaganda about school patriotism.

If you're a bit squeamish, don't read the rest.

I said to myself I'd like to one day grab her by the throat and punch it in and rip it out. Then I stated I would be filled with glee if I grabbed a chainsaw and forced it down her esophagus, turned it on and ripped it out through her anal cavity. I was furious. I specifically stated I would like too but not that I couldn't do it because of the illegality of these actions and just how terrible they are. When I started to cool down after my little big-ass vent and she said that she would like me not to be there anymore.

She tried to press charges (but failed), and I withdrew from the school and settled in a nice, quiet private school with fewer kids.

I told her my mind, and I got to be away from her forever. Technically, I won in the worst ways possible.

TL;DR: Got pissed at kid, got pissed at school for doing illegal authoritarian bullshit, got suspended, transferred to a better school.

/r/AskReddit Thread