Hi I'm a Bangladeshi Muslim, and after seeing the recent attacks on he secular bloggers, I'm here to answer any questions you may have of me. So, AMA!

Hey there saadiul,

Are you actually living in Bangladesh? Are you part of the secular movement? I saw some comments on another article about this situation from some other self-proclaimed Bangladeshi Muslims who said they were also part of a secular movement/supported a secular state which surprised me. They also said they were angry and sad about what is happening and mentioned that there were some rising tensions between some Muslims and Hindus and anyone who supports secularism. If you are part of this same secular movement do you live in fear for promoting secular values? If not part of the movement do you fear for yourself if you voice support or sympathy for other activists?

Is Bangladesh becoming increasingly radicalized? If so, what's causing this? Or why does it seem like there are more of these attacks recently? What do you think has to happen for them to stop or for the country to head in a new direction? In your opinion, why do so many Muslims seem to have so much anger and hatred towards different groups like Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, pagans, Christians, etc.? There's sectarian violence across the world due to these religious divides and not all cases have anything to do with western intervention which usually seems to get the blame. I know political situations are tense in many places and have feuds dating back centuries, but, to be honest, from the outside it seems like many, not all, but many Muslims legitimately hate everyone who is not Muslim and don't even want any kind of open dialog. We even have tensions in some area of western nations which aren't plagued by poverty and war so it seems to be a big problem. Do you think this can ever be solved? Do you think authoritarian regimes use radical interpretations of Islam as a political tool? How much of a role do you think politicized Islam has played in all this madness and the spread of radicalism across the world?

Totally unrelated to this topic, but what's your favorite part about your country and/or something cool/positive that no one outside would know about?

Thanks! While many here will disagree with your religious beliefs it's nice of you to reach out to those of us on this sub and disavow the attacks. I appreciate it at least because they really affected me and made me incredibly sad. No one should be brutally hacked apart for peacefully stating an opinion on a blog or for having different religious beliefs. It's nice to see individual Muslims speak out against these attacks in a way more than only hearing about an official letter from some random council. The official responses are definitely good to open dialog, but it's nice when it happens on a more personable level too.

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