How do you appeal a ban if you feel you have been wrongly banned?

I bolded the only thing I would consider "toxic". Let me know if you disagree. Also wanna note that Yas was definitely not mad or upset or even arguing with me at any point in time. I'm certain he didn't report me, but without a Tribunal link I can't prove it.

Walloch: what happen to ur ult

Walloch: no summs bot

Walloch: jesus christ this kha is fed

(all)Walloch: get carried

(all)Walloch: dont use all chat again

(all)Walloch: you guys sure can talk alot with kha's dick in your throat

Walloch: no wonder kha camped mid/top

Walloch: they are trio premade

Walloch: uh sona

(all)Walloch: lmao i guess im complaining

(all)Walloch: most annoying premade award goes to

(all)Walloch: well at least i know i can report you now

(all)Walloch: :D

(all)Walloch: ur friend missed the biggest rule of trolling

(all)Walloch: never get mad

Walloch: gotta group

Walloch: its a premade so theyre only group pushing and looking for picks

Walloch: gotta remember they are going to be constantly looking for picks

Walloch: why do you want to let these assholes enjoy this

Walloch: how honorable of you

Walloch: you say pls

Walloch: like you didnt make this game

Walloch: way harder than it needed to be

Walloch: so sona died without ulting anyone

Walloch: as did yasuo

Walloch: i got ulted and exhausted by braum

Walloch: well yea

Walloch: you were alone

Walloch: if you arent with teammates

Walloch: he deals extra damage

Walloch: vayne heal and flash used

Walloch: yas

Walloch: why

Walloch: run

Walloch: into them

Walloch: no

Walloch: thats on yas

Walloch: 5% hp

Walloch: runs into ori

Walloch: without even using wall

(all)Walloch: normal match heroes

(all)Walloch: gotta stick to the blind pick since ur team aint good enough

Walloch: so who did sonas ult hit that time

Walloch: they were all grouped, we were all grouped

Walloch: ori ult landed on 4

Walloch: sona ult landed on

Walloch: ?

Walloch: im not insulting him, blaming him, or being rude

Walloch: i asked who he ulted

Walloch: thresh exhaust, vayne flash

Walloch: on me

(all)Walloch: gg wp

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