How can I pay my boyfriend back for being so great and helping me when I need it?

Similar situation, just less grave. As, you sure sound unlucky with your circumstances. (But lucky to have a good man who cares about you that much!)

I had to get a small surgery some months ago, and my boyfriend took a day off from work so he could pick me up from the hospital. He spent the day cleaning up MY apartment, talked to me the entire time while I was waiting for my surgery and ordered pizza that arrived exactly when we got back. He made it a fun day where i felt special instead of a scary day that i don't want to look back upon.

I really want to show him my gratitude. but i have no idea how. He always says silly shit like "you already do enough". But, i don't do anything particularly special, so it feels like he's just saying that...

/r/relationship_advice Thread