How do you deal with a gf/wife with a way higher sex drive then you?

So, I'm going to ignore all of these suggestions of how to make him be more interested or how to "deal with it" and ask a more sensitive question, which you don't need to answer here (given the nature of the internet, you probably SHOULDN'T answer it here):

Why do you ask?

Who is this a problem for? Does is bother him? Does he feel inadequate or guilty or something? Does it bother you and, if so, why? Is some part of your self-esteem wrapped up in feeling "appreciated" or being able to physically please him?

Or is this just a matter of one of you needing that release more often than the other? Is there something in the back of your head that's keeping you from employing a little "self care" to make up the difference?

The point that I'm going to make, which I would ask you to contemplate, is that there might not be a real problem. People are different. Some people need different things, and some people think they need what they actually just want, often not even recognizing the reasons or motivations behinds those drives.

So, is this a problem? Are you and he ok and capable of openly communicating about your own physical drives and making some effort to find a comfortable balance? Can you make up the difference on your own?

Or is there something else blocking you, either consciously or unconsciously, from getting yourself to that point?

If you or he are dealing with other medical or social issues that keep you from having that open communication, or making up the difference, you'll probably need to deal with that before, or in parallel to learning how to, work on that communication and support.

There's not a lot to go on from your question, and I am by no means a medical professional, so I don't really know what I'm talking about other than being a human being with genitals and my own array of social issues. I could infer, from your comment "I still want to make sure he feels like a man", that you're needing something from him rather than JUST trying to support him... but as I said, it's not really enough to go on.

So... again... why do you ask?

/r/AskMen Thread