How do you deal with your partner having an over-affectionate female friend?

Its not necessarily about honouring commitments and crap. Its about associating with someone who has NO respect that youre in a relationship, NO respect that youre not single. And OFTEN times with overy affectionate female friends and males its a dominance contest. The female friend is showing she was there first and can do whatever she wants. As i mentioned in another reply to you, an exes friend crawled into his lap and cuddled him right in front of me. She then giggled "oh i probably shouldn't do this anymore since you have a girlfriend now" no no you fucking shouldnt that was SO INSANELY disrespectful to me and our relationship. And his 'accepting the affection" as you would is what made me dump him. He should have put a stop to it but didnt and in fact called me crazy for having issue with it - as im sure you will.

I WASNT insecure about female friends til EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE IVE HAD with them has been negative. Cheated on for them, dumped for them, just witches being rude.

Im SO happy my husband only has a few female friends hes not like BFFs with. Yeah, its a point of insecurity. So fucking what? We all have shit we get insecure over. We deal with it. My way is by just avoiding the types with loads of female friends. I dont need that drama insecurity and bullshit in my life.

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