How did you overcome your mental health issues?

I didn't yet. I've had depression and anxiety since 13. I'm 22 and trying to figure out with my doctor if this is all due to my thyroid gland. (along with other symptoms like slow hair growth and excessive hair loss, feeling weak at times, high cholesterol, anemia, bouts of severe constipation, very bad memory and with that I mean that except for a few things everything prior to yesterday is a blank blur, sometimes I don't have the energy to be awake, to name a few) I try to keep it at bay most of the time but I feel like I'm trying to keep the cork of the bottle I stuffed everything that's happening to me from flying off and sending me into another mental breakdown. It's a constant struggle for me. I don't think I'll be able to overcome it anytime soon. Lately I've been getting pretty pessimistic and suicidal and I can't afford therapy right now. I have no friends because they pushed me away due to my depression. I have no job and I've been looking for a job for five whole years with no luck. I thought I wanted to go to culinary school to be a pastry chef but if I can't find a job that'll never happen. I'm disheartened, hopeless, powerless, I honestly don't know what else to do. I hate HR people and I hate the companies and I hate this stupid fucking third world dumpster that some people call country. I just want this all to end.

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