How difficult it is to develop a simulation game?

I will explain one example of why you are irrational and make stupid conclusions from incomplete information.

You claim you can reduce the extreme ends of 20 and 20,000 to a more realistic number. Okay? Still meaningless. 2000 and 4000 and 6000 are all very different.

4 years for 1 is 2 years for 2 people working the same hours. So without knowing the team size? Meaningless just for this alone.

But you know the team size? Okay. Still meaningless if you dont know if they were part time or full time. 20 hrs a week and 40 hrs a week is wildly different.

Furthermore, you do not know the experience/ skill factor.

4 years for someone who doesnt know how to program is VASTLY different than 4 years of a seasoned expert.

There are SO MANY factors you dont know and have no data for, this is utterly meaningless.

You need manhours not years and you need to know the starting skill and size of the development team.

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