How do you handle women you date who have been sexually abused/assaulted?

Okay, I don't think you have though. I think you've answered what you personally would do, and again - I don't think your stance is in any way problematic in regards to that. I was asking more in line with, do you believe other people should act just like you too, or can you agree with the other perspective being presented?

The way I see it, for me - sex is really important, and because of that sexual incompatibility ranks high on my own list of important things to have in a relationship. Even though by any means the incompatiblity is not some potential partner like OP's own fault, it is still an incompatibility at the end of the day. If I fully believed that the incompatiblity could be worked upon I would probably give the relationship a shot. But if not, probably not - and I don't think that makes me an asshole. However, sticking around for a year and leading things on would probably make me one.

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