How many of us are using this as a tool to leave something toxic vs satisfying a need to hurt someone by cutting them off?

I'm really sorry about your situation. It honestly does hurt like hell to be in a relationship for so long for it to not work out. But right now, I want to remind you that I am rooting for you. I really am, and you'll make it through this. I don't want to sound patronising, and I apologise in advance if I do, it's not my intentions, but maybe you could try to change your mindset about the breakup? I know, I know, I hate being told that too- but hear me out!

Take solace in the fact that this relationship showed you that you can give and receive love. That's amazing. Love teaches you so much about yourself through the good, the bad, and even the most ugliest of experiences. I admire that you want her to be happy, it shows you're a decent person and you actually take people's feelings into account. You're a humble person and that really tells me that you have the strength to get through this, just keep pushing a little harder!

We all make mistakes in relationships, I have too and it stings like a bitch wondering "maybe if I didn't react that way we'd still be together" or "maybe if I didn't say that things would be fine". I know it's easier said than done, but you gotta let that pattern of thinking go. Try not to dwell on the what if's. Instead try to navigate your thinking towards thoughts like "I can...", for instance "I can give and receive love and I know that the next relationship that I am in that I through my past experiences I'll be able to maybe do X or Y better". Navigate your negative and reminiscent thoughts about your ex and your breakup into positive and projective ones. Be kind to yourself, take your negatives and try to turn them into positives. Like maybe you were a bad communicator in your previous relationship... Take that as a learning experience and know that good communication could be a point that you've to make sure you commit to in your next relationship. You're human. Never forget that. We make mistakes. We get pissed about our ill-actions, but without mistakes - how are we supposed to learn and grow? Try to change your mentality a bit and cut yourself some slack. You will find love again and it'll be an amazing experience, probably a better and different one than that of your last relationship. And why? Because you've learned so much about yourself, both consciously and subconsciously, which will contribute to what will hopefully be a better relationship for you.

I really hope things light up for you, you deserve happiness and love, and you'll find it! Try not to be so hard on yourself!

/r/ExNoContact Thread Parent