How do i make new mom/parent friends?

On Facebook do a search. Playgroups, moms, stay at home, for your area (city, suburb). Find out what groups actually do things. Mom groups can be a special brand of hell tho. Many don't do anything but act ugly on the internet.

Try out as man as you are able. I went through two that were awful, then found 3 ladies that were active and down to earth. We try to rope in other active moms. It's not always successful. It's hard but try, try, try.

Facebook is also good for local events. You never know who you will meet at baby/kid activities. Local libraries and neighborhood events.

Your gonna find women that say they are gonna do things but then never do. It's also frustrating but I try to remember they aren't really up for things. Be open and welcome as you can but don't be hurt.

Keep your openness! Don't settle on a few good women. You never know. Things happen to us all that throw us off for a week, or month, or who knows what.

My kid is now 2 and we are doing a lot mor classes this summer (swim, dance, church, and then mdo in fall.

It's exhausting a bit but then rewarding.

/r/NewParents Thread