How do you people live at work?

I work a lot of OT but it's because I have money goals I'm trying k reach so I am motivated by that. Also I am a bit of a loner and don't have much social activities or commitments single no kids no friends so for me it's easy since I have tons of free time. However if something big is happening with family like an event or celebration I will not miss that for OT.

I guess if later in life I have more going on I would not be so easy available for OT


Also though it's actually stupid to say no to OT sometimes because of the way our contract works

For example today I, work 4 hrs shift at OT and I will have my whole next scheduled weekend be at 1.5x rate of pay

So for 4 hrs of work I, really being paid the equivalent of 17.25 hrs. What could be so important or special to say no for 4hrs of work?

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