How rare is it to find someone who you have a true connection with?

Makeup and being all done up is an illusion. It amplifys, enhances and fixes our flaws but it is only ever temporary.

I'm like a 2/10 with no makeup on haha. And Like an ugly swamp monster when I'm not all done up.

And an 8/10 with makeup on and all done up. But it still isn't real.

If your just attracted to her physically when she's all done up then you have a lot of growing up to do.

Because all looks fade as we grow old in time and flaws grow if her character and personality is amazing then that's what you should be appreciating.

If I was her I would want to feel comfortable in my own skin. And she's not going to feel comfortable if you can't look past her flaws when she's with you.

I would let her go. Because there will be days in a relationship where she I'll or tired and looks like crap, or days she can't be bothered to be all done up and if you can't look past those days this it isn't the right relationship for you.

/r/relationship_advice Thread