How has reddit changed you?

Undeniably there are plenty of kooks on the right as well as on the left, and some are very unpleasant, but the left has this guise of being moral and kind (and opposite the right are inhumane monsters) just because they claim it to be so. It's a rather platitudinous remark nowadays, but it's very valid to identify that these people are "virtue signalling", just saying things which sound nice but doing very little/nothing to realize their fairy tale ideas of peace and harmony.

Actions always speak louder than words.

What actions do these people do? Aggressively and sometimes violently "protest" people who hold different views to them. Attempt to nullify democracy when the public do not vote the way they want them to. Mercilessly attempt to destroy the lives and careers of those people who make the "mistake" of saying something that is considered "unacceptable", regardless of how innocent their intentions may have been.

I struggle to differentiate between these progressives/"SJWs" and your average fascist. Does Antifa not realize that they are the fascists?

Here is a story a typical mindless, leftist idiot I had the misfortune of encountering on Reddit:

A while ago I made a short and simple comment on some some pro-muslim propaganda thread after the recent UK terror attacks. The thread was praising a minority of Imams who refused to bury the deceased terrorists. I simply commented that I wasn't interested how Imams chose to deal with them. I'm still not interested because it's not interesting, it's just propaganada. Propaganda is nothing more than manipulation and I don't like being manipulated, and neither should anyone else for that matter.

Enter the leftist:

In response to my innocent comment, this lovely leftist gentleman called me, if I remember: a prejudice, narcissistic, muslim hating bigot who should die in a rat hole. He continued to say I was making the problem worse by blaming muslims for these terror attacks. What a nice and reasonable person he was.

So, I decided to be reasonable with him. I asked him to specify where in my comment I had made such horrible implications. He proceeded to invent and attribute to my comment some anti-islam ideology. I told him it was a straw man argument and he should directly quote me where I was saying such things. He ignored my objections and proceeded to strengthen his misrepresentation to the point of fantasy.

I called him prejudice, that he was concluding things about me based on no evidence other than that I was not mindlessly praising pro-muslim propaganda. I also pointed out he was a bigot for being so irrationally hostile to my original opinion (he could not justify why he hated it, he just decided it was anti islam so was angry with me). As a result he became very ad hominem since he had no counterargument (or any argument to begin with) and then started to try and invalidate the argument saying I was being "neckbeardy" for asking him to justify his serious accusations against me. Basically he was trying to pull a "it was just a prank bro" type of card.

In the end I decided I was wasting my time trying to reason with a moron. He clearly thought he was a wonderful person who could never be wrong and that I was just a vile fascist... or something, he wasn't very consistent with what he said.

This is just one example of these idiotic hypocrite leftists that are so frequent on Reddit and also in real life too.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent