How do we save the damn honey bees!?

Start of thread was this-

If you have a humming bird feeder, you may also find honey bees attracted to it. You can hold your hand below it, have them crawl on your hand, pet them, move them. They are incredibly docile. The only two real exceptions that I have ever seen Anger the queen and honey bees nearby her may sting to get you away from her. She is in the hive, so unless you are poking her in her hive, you are safe. Crush a honey bee. In this case it is still not choosing to sting you. It is physics. It will die not wanting to sting you, but have no choice. You can be mean to a honey bee and it generally will not sting you. A lot of bumble bee's are just as docile, but they may buzz you to scare you away if they are mad. Bumble bees may bite if trapped. Wasps, yellow jackets, etc. will sting you because you are there. They may land and sting you for fun. They may sting and bite at the same time, because fuck you. They are evil and hate everything. Handy guide to bee Bros and Not Bros. Wasp's sole purpose. Edit: Not a bee expert. Was just deathly afraid of them, and now far less afraid. Removed mud-daubers from asshole list. Personal experiences clouded my judgment.

And then came-

You're meant to stay still? I run like the wind when I see one. Havent been stung yet. Am 26yo and slightly ashamed

Followed by-

I got stung for the first time last year... trust me you dont want to get stung.

And then I entered the conversation with-

I tend around 500 hives and very rarely use gloves. During the summer I get stung anywhere from 20 to 50 times a day.

Threads about bees. It actually started a little before I did, but it's pretty much where I joined in. All the previous parents were about bees.

Granted I am very sleepy, but pretty sure it's a bee thread. Now let's put this evil wasp rumor to bed.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent