How do I tell my family I was abused as a child?

Hello everyone, I started a throwaway account to post this. I hope nobody objects. So, to the point. I was sexually molested by an older childhood friend when I was about 8 years old. To the best of my recollection, it only happened one time. I was coerced into the act by another boy from the neighborhood who was a close friend and spent a lot of time at our house. It's hard to say precisely what sort of lasting impact it has had in my life and what was the result of the physical abuse I suffered at my fathers hand (non-sexual). I can say that as a pre-teen and teen I suffered from depression for many years and I have always had very low self confidence. I'm in my early 40s now and have been married for ten years to a wonderful woman, but I can't help but think that I still suffer from my childhood abuses to some extent. To be honest, I spent many years avoiding dealing with the sexual abuse in particular. My family is aware of the physical abuse by my father, which he still denies to this day by calling me delusional, but I have never spoken of the sexual abuse with anyone. I did see a therapist for a while when I was in high school but quit when I found that they were divulging the contents of our sessions to my father. Since then, I've been very apprehensive about seeking out another therapist. I'm not sure where to go from here but I would appreciate any advice on how to broach this subject with those closest to me. Thank you in advance.

/r/adultsurvivors Thread