How Trump took advantage of the tragic Orlando shooting

How the Orlando shooter legally purchased firearms after 2 FBI investigations, due to links of terrorism, is mind boggling me. As a gun owner, American, and parent - I just don't get it.

It really is remarkable, somebody had to have messed something up. I can't even imagine we are this stupid. There is no reason a red flag shouldn't have popped up.

It is true that all ISIS are Muslim, but not all Muslims are ISIS.

I agree, I treat every person with the same respect, unless you do something to lose it. If you are a Muslim, regardless of beliefs, if you say to me "I think all gay people should die." We have a problem - which is why In my eyes I see that there is a problem with the fundamental teachings of Islam. You aren't just a "sinner" who needs to "apologize" - you're a freak that needs to be killed.

I'm also surprised people can accept the ways that this "religion" looks at women. I'm not a feminist, but it's disgusting.

What I don't understand though is the same people that use this logic(not saying you fall into this category) also say: "All cops are racists" "all white people are racist" "All republicans only care about the 1%" etc. Nobody is allowed to call them out, or they're the racists.... - but they parade their FUCK ALL COPS sign around the streets RIGHT NEXT TO a sign that says #notallmuslims.

This includes Christians and Jews as well.

I can't speak for Jews, but for Christians, the church is for sinners, not saints. It's where you go when you've done something "wrong" in the eyes of God. Hell, didn't Catholic priests use to be some of the only people who protected gay people? In Islam if you aren't perfect, it seems like you are killed/stoned/whipped.

I don't know history very well, but I would believe you if you told me that the Christians and Jews used to regularly commit heinous acts in the name of God, but that isn't what people are living in fear of anymore - people are scared of the threat that Sharia Law and "radical" Muslim teaching brings.

To my knowledge the world(maybe the middle east does) doesn't have a problem with radical Christians or radical Jews - You don't see people pledging themselves to Jesus before they mass murder people once a month. (Liberal media would be VERY QUICK to inform us if this happened.) The Crusades are over.

I'm actually in the middle of reading the Quran, and it honestly feels like a horror book sometimes.

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