How to win any fight.

When I was 16ish I won a tournament for a card game and got a katana as a prize (supposedly proper for cutting rolled up mats in practice and shit, but I wouldn't really know if that's true). So that halloween I dress up as a samurai since I figured I already had the sword. I go out with my girlfriend and her little brother trick or treating (yeah we were too old, but it was for her brother).

A bunch of other teenagers we didn't know come up and start harassing us making lewd motions and physical contact with my girlfriend and take her brother's candy. I tell them to fuck off; they don't. So I draw the sword and swing it around making fake kiai shouts. They all ran off talking about how crazy I looked.

Good thing they ran 'cause I don't know the first thing about swinging a sword. I'd have been just as likely to cut myself as to cut them. I guess I was too into partying and premarital sex to study the blade or learn fuck all about a blockchain (though still I have no idea how the latter helps when barbarians are at the gates unless they accept bitcoin).

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