How is your love life?

I'm in a polyamorous relationship at the moment, I have one long term serious partner I'm comfortable calling my girlfriend, and another I see about once a week who could best be described as a friend with some benefits. To be frank, when I started this relationship, I was very wary, I Had only known her for two days, and she was seeing four other guys at the time, and I Had just gotten out of a train wreck of a 4 Year relationship with all kinds of emotional problems to boot.

This girl communicated what she wanted and expected, and lead me by example. She made sure I understood that she cared for me, and would help me, but only as long as I helped myself. She helped me get a driver's license, get over my issues (primarily low self esteem), and learn to care and stick up for myself. If there's an issue, she tells me, and we talk it out. I seriously thought that was something you always heard about but didn't really exist. She's funny, smart, 10/10 gorgeous (she has that hair that always looks amazing no matter what you do to it) and positively exudes confidence, and I couldn't help but fall helplessly in love with her.

Polyamory was a paradigm I wasn't familiar with, but in retrospect exactly what I identify as; I didn't bother seeing anyone else until about a month ago, but the fact that I could flirt or cuddle with whoever I felt like was so freeing that I couldn't help but feel better about everything. With my girlfriend, I have no secrets, because I don't need to have any, I trust her, she trusts me, and we can talk about anything.

With my new partner, we pretty much hang out, play Mario cart and brawl, she cooks me dinner, and we cuddle and watch anime while talking about our favorite marvel or dc characters and why Spock is cooler. It's so nice, because though we've been crushing on eachother for years, now that we can do something about it, we don't really feel like it, we just cuddle and kiss sometimes without any expectation of anything more.

Both my partners are aware of eachother, but they've never met. It's really just a function of scheduling more than anything else.

Tldr; I never thought things could be as amazing as they are.

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