Huff post-A Friend Gave Me Date Rape Drugs and I Got Pregnant. My Church Told Me to Repent.

If you are referring to me, then you are putting words in my mouth. I never said she used is as an excuse to leave the church. I am supportive of her and want the best for her, but when someone says something that sounds really outside of my personal experience, I have every right to be a little skeptical that something happened exactly as described. On this subreddit, we occasionally get people who do exaggerate their claims (maybe TBMs messing with us?) to make some point.

If the author came to this subreddit and was asking for help, I would give it to her - no questions asked. However, she isn't here in person asking for my support or assistance, so I am being a little more skeptical because I dont want to get taken advantage of. Don't you also have friends on Facebook who post quotes and stuff that are not actually real quotes that look like they might have been said by that person. I don't think we need to run the risk of discrediting our position by advocating one that is only partially true.

Again, this is the conversation I can have when I am not in crisis mode with the victim. It would be a different story in real life.

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