Huge transits incoming (Uranus conjunct Asc, Venus and Mars, then goes RX two times, until 2018). What to expect?

Look to the houses Mars has rulership over in your chart to further understand the other areas of life which will become a focus under this influence. Obviously the 1st, as Aries is ruled by Mars and the transit is taking place there, but is Aries also on the cusp of the 12th or 2nd? And where is Scorpio (classically it falls under Mars rulership) on a house cusp? the 8th or 9th? Also, with Aries on the 1st, Venus would have jurisdiction over the 7th house in Libra - is Libra also on the 6th or 8th? Where's Taurus? The 2nd or 3rd? Follow me?

In general the crossing of Uranus over the ASC is a pretty exciting time I'd say. Uranus transiting the 12th as it has been for you is usually a period when all sorts of ghosts in the closet, feared or denied parts of ourselves are shaken up and illuminated with insight - if these revelations served the purpose of freeing you from some form of bondage (internal, external, usually a mix of both - and self-created) when Uranus hits the 1st a fresh start, an initiatory period of sorts begins regarding the ways you imprint yourself into your immediate surroundings - with a freedom from past troubles.

Expect the unexpected. Expect change. Crappy answer, I know, but we're talking about Uranus, an outer planet not an inner one; the outers have to do with circumstances and energies beyond our control. Uranus in particular is a mover and a shaker sort of energy, sudden and often disruptive - its passing through the first is probably going to have you "channeling" some of this energy through your personality and physical presence/your immediate, direct, contact with the world around you. Others might start to see you as really exciting, a representative of "new" or "innovative" ways of being/thinking or they might find you threatening to their sense of security (depending on how they relate to Uranus by their own innate dispositions). The important thing to remember is that while change is constant and a necessary part of life, the impact of one split decision can have effects which are far reaching, so try and keep yourself firmly grounded in the here and now and consider the future effects of any urge to upheaval in matters, remembering that while you may feel and act as a law unto yourself at this time, you'll still be subject to the laws of the bigger picture. Keep in mind that Uranus is an outer, not inner planet - the inner planets we own and can have some control over, while with the outers we are just conduits for the energy. Don't make the mistake of identifying too personally with the Uranian energy at your disposal or you'll probably find it coming back to show you how much bigger it is than you...

And lastly, don't be scared. Or, do be scared, but channel some of that fear into acts of courage and self-definition...

Out here on the internet with all the misquoted, smug, crap we are privvy to every day I'm sure you've seen the Ghandi quote Be the change you want to see in the world, right? Well, in fact, that's not what Ghandi said. What he said was: *““We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” * , which has slightly different, and deeper implications than the watered down misquote. It implies a need for humility and cooperation that the the misquote leaves out; it's inclusive, rather than exclusive. Aries planets might benefit from careful consider of that (and this isn't a judgement, I'm an Aries sun).

Hopefully I've said something you'll find useful here. Take care.

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