Husband says he doesnt love me anymore

I dont see when he could have found time to be with someone or fall in love with someone. But i guess it could have happen. I am happy with him. I stayed for so long because i love him, he is the person for me. Some way long the year he gave up on us. I reminded him over and over we need to grow together we need to spend time together we need to communicate and hang out . You cant just keep working and working we will grow apart. Whats the point of having everything if it cost us our family our marriage. He has grown in his career and business. After our 3rd child i got a job and worked for 2.5 years then we had our last baby 7 months ago. The year has been a tougher one for sure. Baby had covid baby was in the hospital just constantly gettign sick this year. Him working and me with baby all the time. And when i was working we were working opposite shift. Him home with kids during the day i come home stay with kids he goes to work. We hustled for sure.

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