IamA (Blank) AMA!

Here's the thing, OP: when I was in the 7th grade, I had this teacher... She was a nightmare, lemme tell you. There were times when the whole class would just be sitting there, minding their own business, and out of nowhere, she would start yelling at me. Mind you, I wasn't doing anything wrong, but that didn't stop her. "Mr. McSonsteinwitz!" she would shout. "Knock that off right now!" I would look at her like she was crazy while my classmates tried to figure out what it was I had done. "I will not stand for this level of disrespect! Principal's office, now!"

Unbeknownst to me, my teacher was actually stealing money from the school and using me as her fall guy. She thought that if she could make me out to be this problem child, the school would be more likely to believe I was a thief on top of everything else. It was terrible. Because of my behavioral problem, my mom started sending me to see a shrink. The problem was, however, that I didn't trust adults. I mean, no one would listen to me when I said I hadn't done anything wrong, so why should I talk to someone?

For whatever reason, the first shrink interpreted my silence as a sure sign that I was the victim of molestation. She sent me to a therapist who actually specialized in sex abuse cases.

Fast-forward a few years. I haven't been in therapy in a couple of decades. I open up the newspaper and there's my former therapist, going to jail. Turns out he was wanted in Maryland on charges of sodomizing children--boys about the age I was when they sent me to him. Yeah, he molested three teenage boys back in the 70's, then he came to Iowa to start working with victims of sexual abuse.

It gets better, though: it turns out he doesn't even have a license to practice psychology. Hell, he doesn't even have a high school diploma. He's just a drop out who joined the clergy, banged some boys, fled the state, and started a psychiatry practice.

Insane, right?

/r/IAmA Thread