If you can't force your religion on someone, you shouldn't force nonreligion on someone.

To address your first point about morals: what about sharia law? The subjugation of woman in religion, the murder of young girls in india because brahman wants males, what about kenyan girls having their clitoris cut off in the name of the juju god up the mountain?

For the second point: Anytime someone showed promise of anything in europe, burnings at the stake, witches, etc. What about galileo? We would still believe the earth was flat and 5000 years old if it was for religion. Do you think the chapel sistine was the apex of culture at the time because painters were somehow inspired by religion?

I have a hypothetical for you: consider plato's cave. People born in darkness and slavery yet defending their way of life because it has been ingrained into them since childhood. As an outsider, should you respect their right to be subjugated? Should you respect the right of parents to cut off genitals of young girls?

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