If I could sleep forever I would.

*I'm in a very hypomanic positive mood right now (I was suicidal just a few hours ago, thinking the exact same way as you, until I had my dose of Lamictal. Everything changed.) and I want to support someone with the insight that I have. I don't think it's allowed for me to give this sort of advice, but hopefully it'll help in someway...

Who you currently think you are; in fact, this entire introspective universe that you are currently in; is not the true you. Obviously, you can't see it, but it's inside of you, somewhere, and all you must do is find the chemical stability; WITH a chemically stable mind, refind & revisit the reasons behind why your mind drifted you away from your happy self without comparing yourself to others, or telling yourself how it's all too late... because, unless you want to be an NBA player, it's never too late. I agree, being depressed is such a shitty thing, to a point where sometimes you may as well be dead (I was suicidal 5 hours ago, now I'm incredibly optimistic and have solved so much psychological dillusion that was accumulated by the depression that LIES TO YOU. DEPRESSION LIES. it's a fucking negative black hole that completely hides who you really are; who you really are FEELS GOOD, and is confident of who he really is, and is confident that he can make it - because positive energy transcends any amount of grief or shitty past that you may have had, and positive energy is a primordial human resource. Personally, magic mushrooms, weed, and Lamictal for bipolar saved me. Not by masking the issue, but by revealing to me who I really am, and how it's nothing but the fucking depression that lies to you and puts your self-esteem so low that you want to kill yourself. While in truth, such a beautiful person is inside you, and someday you'll wake up, under the influence of medication or some force, and the depression will be gone. But I have to say, it's all a chemical thing. Stabilize serotonin, dopamine, etc. and everything is going to make sense again, and you'll know what to do, and you'll know why you were put on this planet again.

Are you taking any medication? Sorry, my ideas are all scrambled around but please let me know how you feel right now... The mind is very powerful, capable of taking itself to so many directions (positive/negative) - we must capitalize the positive and THRIVE, while grasping who we REALLY are.

Fuck, sorry if this is obnoxious. I feel it's a waste if I don't post... I'm not thinking very straight (up for 24+ hrs), but perhaps some of what I said may be straight.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread