If you had to be buried after death, where would you want your final resting place?

Alright. I haven't necessarily done anything to regret quite yet, asking as a bit of a pre action question. My girlfriend was brutally violated by her older sister. Growing up she was tormented and abused severely, even still attends therapy and uses medications. However her immediate family only recently has come to terms with it and realized the full severity of the actions. They have simply not allowed the sister to return for holidays or when my girlfriend is home. I don't think the sister has come there in years anyway because she is an adult living her own life. However she is not a mature adult. She still harasses my girlfriend and uses alt accounts to continously target her. The family is old school and does not accept the idea that the sister is doing this, despite even being caught before. However things have changed. A new playing field is being treaded on. The sister has long wanted to be something she is not, a boy. And has finally gone ahead and done the previously undone. She is now a boy, legally. And continues to play the games she plays, picking at my girlfriend, harassing her about snitching, and how she/he/it is going to come hurt her again. Here is the "should regret part" I found this person. The sister does not know where my girlfriend now lives, but I found the sister/brother/it. I know her everything. In a shamefully creepy way. I've played by the rules till now, keeping distance, not speaking out at her, listening to her families instructions waiting for them to handle it and solve their jssues, but now as an adult man vs an alleged "adult man", I've completely shifted. I don't regret the information I've gathered. But I may come to regret causing violence if I go further. I'm waiting on something, anything to happen next to inspire me to get serious. Is this a bad decision? Should I have already done it, swiftly and as quick as possible? I'm not sure how to walk into it

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