If you're obese, it's most likely your fault

Some people are born with more fat cells in their genes and body composition, however a lot of times it can be shrunken with CONSISTENT healthy diet and exercise. That’s why so many of the contestants from weight loss shows will bounce back to their original weight in a year, because they get their dream body and then just go back to eating crap and not working out. Everyone has a different metabolism but everyone (I believe) should have some sort of healthy habits with food consumption and physical activity. It’s all about finding what works for you. But doing no physical activity and eating like shit does not work for ANYONE. Even if you’re physically stable that way, this even impacts your mental health severely. If you’re obese and unhappy about it, yet you aren’t actively doing anything to change that, then I totally agree that it’s the individuals own fault/call. No one can help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread