I'm at an all time low.

Hey mate, just chill, it's all going to remain shit. But if you are too chicken to commit suicide, as I am. Doesn't that tell you something?

Maybe you shouldn't commit suicide.

Maybe you should keeping living.

With that in mind... let us begin :)

Let's start with a teeny, tiny goal... like... hmmmm... I don't know... how about... not being miserable for one minute. That's a good, small, achievable goal. For one minute, just pretend, you're not you. Just close your eyes, lie down, and dream that you're someone else, somewhere else; Someone who is:

  • happy
  • beautiful
  • smart
  • has lots of friends
  • lives in their dream city/town
  • has all the pets they want
  • has a girlfriend/boyfriend
  • has everything they could want

try to imagine now, what that would feel like, that feeling, when your significant other hugs you... what would that be like? Or when you're playing with your pet? Or maybe when you're in a big, soft, comfy bed, drinking hot chocolate that your best friend brought you... wow... oh wow

How nice would that be? I think that would be quite nice.

But guess what, that's never going to happen, not for me, maybe not for you either... so what can we do?

We can be escapists!

But we're not going to escape via suicide, we're going to escape via our imaginations... it's not so disgusting, and... no one has to find a dead body... or a pool of blood, with chunks of brain all over the walls... or a swollen corpse, levitating in the air... let's not ruin someone's life by making that happen, okay? Please.

Instead, we can dream, and whenever we have free time, we can close our eyes, and pretend we're not here. We're in our dream land, happy, or at least content.

Because spoiler, you're going to die soon anyway. Why not enjoy dreamland until then?

/r/SuicideWatch Thread