So I'm at a BBQ were a Tinder girl doubled up on dates. What are you up to?

I'm at work so I'll have to make this pretty quick.

Backstory: I've banged this chick several times over the last week and she told me directly that she's really into me. This wasn't even a first date or something risky like that (so I thought).

What happened: Guy two gets there and is visibly shocked another guy is there. He immediately proceeds to try and "claim his territory" by trying to slap her ass, get close to her, and make comments. Apparently, they are going on a road trip together to meet her parents. Weird. The girl really doesn't seem that into him and tries to give me stealth kisses and stuff when no one else is around. She is getting more and more annoyed by him until she's constantly telling him to shut up. Pretty much everyone there could tell it was getting pretty uncomfortable. Four of the girls there were from France and decided to teach the girl a new phrase in French. The phrase translated roughly to "I fucked myself". After two hours, I'm good to drive so I say bye to everyone and leave. And I should note that I'm pretty outgoing so I was pretty engaged with everyone and not sulking in the corner or something anti social like that.

Within 20 minutes of leaving she had called me 3 times and left 8 text messages.

"Will you come back real quick"


"K well at least call me when u look at your phone"

"I need to talk to you"



"Well I tried"

"I just wanted you u to know I feel like I was deliberately sabotaged by my friend [Name] tonight. I think you are amazing, and my friend, who is just a friend, felt threatened, which he has no right to feel that way. But if I were you I would have left too. I'm here to tell you that he and I have never had anything ever, but the way he behaved tonight seemed otherwise- leading me to believe he was trying to mark his territory he has no business marking. I could, and perhaps should have reacted differently...but it was all so awkward! I didn't know what else to do but laugh it off, even though it wasn't funny."

And she's already texted my twice this morning and sent me a picture. Fucking Tinder girls.

/r/dating Thread