I'm a Diamond 3 top laner, do I have a chance at ever going pro? Am I too bad? I've just recently started grinding properly and trying to climb. [Serious]

aight i'll be completely honest with you. the absolute best course of action is to hop from small team to small team. meet coaches / meet people who know people. Make sure you maintain d3+ elo and play in nacs open qualifier when they come around. It is the most clear cut direct path to the nacs besides getting scouted onto a team. build a roster and simply sign up, it comes around twice a year and the next one should come in april so its pretty close. I dunno how euw works but w/e region that eulcs is located in is prolly the server u need to be on, i dunno if thats euw. I first hit chally in s3 when it was top 50 but didnt maintain, been a high d1 player for all of s3 / s4 / s5, reachieved challenger for most of s6 with multiple master smurfs and thought for a bit i'd actually get a real chance but naa. Getting a real chance is hard to come by, thats just my league story. There are many people who've achieved challenger for multiple seasons and gone absolutely no where. Biofrost was prolly gonna give up if dream team failed but then he got a chance to tryout for tsm and boom it all changed overnight for the guy. D3 isnt even the tip of the iceberg and its honestly not even a high level of skill, ESPECIALLY IN SEASON 7. On my d3 smurf the elo can vary from plat 2 - master and honestly i'd say solo queue has never been in a more pathetic looking shape than season 7 tbh. I'm really not sure if its the algorithm, autofill or simply less people playing but yeh gl climbing when the average game is 50% luck before u even join it

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