I'm stupid; it's my fault because I'm not trying. Why can't I just try?

The mind isn't like maths, there aren't set answers to problems everybody agrees on. And so, no two psychiatrists are exactly alike, they'll differ greatly in how they help you. In truth, although it may seem like you've tried the two methods of getting better, meds or therapy, you've barely scratched the surface of how therapy can help you.

I am aware of all of this. Do you think I am not?

I have always been aware that I "barely scratched the surface" of those methods. But I don't really care. Like I said, I'm tired of seeking help. I know that if I were trying to get better, I should go see someone. But I don't, I want to die. At least, I'd like to think that.

It's worth saying too, that I explored therapy. I met frequently with people who either had careers or certification in counseling, and on top of them I spoke with a lot of mentors that were good people, and that one psychiatrist.

I don't think therapy ever helped, because the problem was just that I was in pain. And so I could talk to a therapist all day, but it was like talking about how much your broken leg hurt and expecting that to help. Now, when I had distinct, fight-able problems on occasion, talking to those counselors/.therapists/mentors helped a lot. And then I resolved the problems, and moved on.

But when the probem is jsut "I am in astronomical pain," and also "I don't want to be alive because I'm tired of it,or because I'm in pain all the time in my head", the therapist/counselors/whoever didn't help, because what can you tell someone who's in that place?

I think we should discount the meds part of getting help, meds are always a plaster that can only work effectively if taken in conjunction with getting psychological help.

Yeah, I took the meds at the same time i was seeing all these people. I think. it's been a while and my memory's fuzzy, but it was the same time frame. they can help on their own, if you've got the right kind of depression.

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