I'm sure this has been asked, but what got you into fitness?

I've always had a huge problem with motivation, I wanted to be strong and lift all the time for awhile but I'd go to the gym for a week or two and just fall out of the habit.

The only thing that ever really motivated me going back to when I was playing sports growing up was guys on the other team pissing me off, mostly in hockey. Obviously I wanted to do well for my coaches and my teammates. But a lot of times I'd be having a crappy game but then some kid says something or gives me some little cheap shot and that was it. All of a sudden I'm flying every shift wanting to just embarrass him in front of his girlfriend, his parents and beat him so badly he wouldn't even want to show up to practice the next day.

Obviously in real life after high school this doesn't work so well, never dated any crazy chicks and have always been a pretty laid back go with the flow guy and was just never super passionate about anything I did once I stopped playing sports competitively.

Fast forward to 6 months ago, I'm now 29 I had an ok job that I didn't really care about but was pretty good at. A promotion came up that was exactly the kind of position in the company I told my boss I wanted about 3 months before. She doesn't even consider me for it and I thought her reasoning was complete bullshit and she just needed to keep me at the job I had but didn't want to pay me more money and I was furious and quit a few weeks later. All of a sudden I had that chip on my shoulder again, I wanted to prove to her the person she hired was a moron and that she made a huge mistake and now I was leaving because of her and was going to find something way better.

I did end up finding a better job but I also just said enough of half assing it, I'm gonna have a cool job and also go to the gym all the time and get in great shape. Now I go to the gym before work 3x a week and run or hike on the weekends and feel great. Started eating healthier and eating a ton of protein. Since it had been so long since I had seriously worked out I could see at least small improvements after a couple weeks and the extra belly fat I had was coming off pretty quick. Once I saw that I just kept up with it and now I feel great at a job I actually care about an am super happy.

Thanks jackass boss!!

/r/Fitness Thread