Is Inflation, Gas Prices and Product Shortage Worse Now Than In The 1970s?

Absolutely not.

You literally couldn't buy gas at times in the 1970's, or could only buy them on even or odd days depending on your car license. I recall my father calling all the service stations to find out which ones had gas, and we'd use that to decide to go and visit my grandmother or not that month. (She was about 6 hours away).

Also interest rates and inflation were both about 20% in 1979. Madness.

And in the latter half of the 1970s that had high inflation, and flat economic growth. IN 1980 the new Fed chair slammed on the interest rates, caused the economy to crash and then gradulally relented and we got reset to much lower rates and inflation.

We aren't anywhere near there. But we do have to watch it.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread