INTP Homework Assignment: Experiment in Better Question-Asking

"How can I avoid goofing off so much?"

-Understand why you are goofing off, and try to solve the issue accordingly. I goof off when I do not want to face the task. I have to understand that the task is imperative or else I will ignore it. "What changes or actions can I make, even small ones, to better manage my time?" -Get a notebook and jot down things that you need to get done. During the day get the important ones done first. Finish the list than reward yourself after. It is crucial you do not reward yourself until everything is done. A reward could be anything from choking the chicken to video games. What ever you fancy the most will be your reward. "What do people who really have their shit together do differently than what I've been doing? How do they avoid temptation? - Most of the time they have a different view on what is important. They also have a tendency to complete the important items first before becoming lazy. Some are born into good standing and can wank whenever they feel like. Imagine a 30 year old drug addict who is homeless vs a 30 year old college student, they have different goals on what they think is important. Assess yourself by writing down what you do and what you have a tendency of doing first and try to see if that really is something that is important to do. Do not be too hard on yourself. "What can I do differently next time, to prevent repeating this same mistake?" -Self evaluation is critical to do through out your lifetime. This is something all of us have to master. Always learn and always ask why. If you see yourself stuck in a situation too long, than you need to reevaluate yourself.

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