[IP] Late Night Rain

People say that the rain is relaxing. They say it puts their mind at ease and their thoughts at rest.
He thinks differently. Every time it rains, he stands out in the open as it falls over him. No one knows why he does it, except for him. He sees the rain as the tears he is unable to shed for those who he cannot mourn. He sees it as a way to forgive himself for all that he’s done wrong. He sees it as a way to keep on going on in this wretched life he likes to call his own. He can barely stand it half the time. It’s not rare for him to want to stop living and to join those that he cannot mourn. He believes he should be with them instead of in this place he calls Life.
This rain is no different. It sets free those sealed wounds that he’s tried so hard to forget. For it had happened on a night such as this, where the rain was pouring and would not stop. He thought he could handle it, but he couldn’t be more wrong. He let one little thing ruin his entire life, and he couldn’t forgive himself. All of those he loved were now beyond him, and in a better place, or at least he’d like to imagine that. He tried to find peace within himself, but couldn’t.
He was sentenced to a sorrowful life, and one that he could not cry in for those he wanted so badly to mourn. He thought of rain differently.
Everyone else, they use rain to put their minds at ease and thoughts at rest. They believe it’s relaxing, and he just couldn’t disagree more.
/r/WritingPrompts Thread