The Israeli military has cleared itself of culpability in one of the most controversial incidents in last summer’s Gaza war: a missile attack that killed four children on Gaza beach and injured a number of others.

You are dehumanizing them for propaganda purposes to delegitimize every operation Israel takes,

I'm pointing out what happened. Israel killed a bunch of kids for the sake of maintaining it's own power. Not "security", such a thing doesn't even really exist. This war will never end. What it actually wants is control. It's fighting for control. It's "security" just so happens to be dependent on it's domination, you'll notice.

It's futile and stupid, but that's what's happening.

And those kids, along with many, many others, are dead for that stupid game.

Israel imposed a blockade after a year and a half of increasing rocket attacks, the election of Hamas, and the takeover of Gaza by Hamas.

You should ask yourself why Palestinians hate Israel so much. Is it really just because they hate Jews? Because I doubt it.

Palestinians had their freedom in Gaza, but fired more rockets at Israel.

If you think Gaza was ever "free" you are delusional.

Israel provided offers that would give them precisely that, a government

So long as it's one they like.

t. It has chosen to do this despite the risk of a failed state on its borders. Because it believes the benefits of peace outweigh the benefits of war, in line with a RAND study that was just released saying the same thing.

Except peace doesn't outweigh the benefits of war if you're Israel.

I might add people are far from being rational and predictable. But I do know this, Israel would be an idiot to give up the high horse it is on now. At least from their perspective.

For the same reason it's been trying to for decades

Israel never wanted anything other then it's own domination. Like any other government. No government on Earth gives a shit about morality, only their own influence.

Again, /r/Anarchism is leaking.

So? You can look down on the A word all you want, political reality is political reality. A government is a force of power. Why would it limit itself if it didn't have to? Why make their jobs more difficult? There's a reason Obama did the complete opposite of what he said he wanted to and increased secrecy in the government. Turns out he found it very useful.

You are dehumanizing them for propaganda purposes to delegitimize every operation Israel takes, doing precisely what a Palestinian human rights activist notes is the most dehumanizing thing you can do.

No, what's dehumanizing is acting like Israel's futile bunker mentality means it's okay to shoot a rocket at children.

You're basically saying I shouldn't even talk about this, and if I do I should absolve Israel of responsibility. I won't do that. That's stupid. It's stupid because you basically want me to pretend that this event happened outside of any political context. You want me to strip their deaths of all meaning and reduce it to some meaningless tragedy.

Every death that happened in Gaza is innately political, whether you like it or not. Those children are victims of stupid people. Stupid people playing games with the world in the name of nationalistic myth.

To refuse to talk about such a thing is to ensure that there will be more of them.

Frankly, nothing is ever "just" a tragedy in a warzone. Nothing "just happens".

You have presented no new arguments

And you do? You just come off like another Israeli ideologue who fetishizes a false sense of security so much that any atrocity becomes justifiable in the name of that ghost. Frankly, it's hard for me to find things to say to somebody that straight up cynical in outlook. It's the kind of viewpoint where actual steps towards peace are considered stupid and being hyper violent in the name of getting "the bad guys" is okay, no matter how many innocent people die or wind up on the streets.

Well what if there were no good guys here?

That's where you and mean reach an impasse.

I don't privilege Israel.

Your polemics and indomitable attempts to attack Israel no matter how unlikely the logics

I don't exactly go on reddit with the intent of changing hearts and minds.

I know enough about this whole conflict to know that for all Israel's claims to the contrary, it's just engaging in another idiotic ethnic conflict that will end one of three ways: apartheid, genocide, or peace.

I don't see it wanting peace.

So forgive me for disliking the Israeli government.

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