Reddit, if I gave you $100,000 to change your life, what would you do?

I am someone who has frequent panic attacks. The triggers change, but recently it's been: What if I ran through my savings and had to live on the street? This is a more likely scenario than I would like to admit. But I always get to thinking - what would my contingency plan be? I am someone who is a bit of a control freak - hence the panic attacks about a situation where I have no control. Anyway, I was thinking that I needed a gimmick, if I was to survive on the streets. I live in Montreal, and during the summer sometimes down by the port they have these buskers. Not all of them play music. Some twirl these batons with fire on the end. There's a guy on stilts. That sort of thing. But I am the least acrobatic dude I know, and I never learned to play anything. My one talent is that I am pretty good with cats. Anyway, my contingency plan is to construct a catnip suit. Basically I would get a regular suit but have all these cargo pockets sewn into it, like, everywhere. Cargo pockets would line every inch of the pants and the jacket. And then I would fill every pocket to the brim with fresh catnip. I feel like that amount of catnip would hold its potency for a while. Anyway, I would walk through the alleyways of Montreal and gather cats. Strays mostly. They would start following me. I would be like the Pied Piper of Cats. So I would walk around with these cats following me, and I would hold a hat out and people would give me change for being this ridiculous spectacle. Maybe once down in the Old Port I would stay in one place with cats crawling all over me, loving me. They would all be rolling and flipping as they do when cats are high. It would be awesome. I was kind of inspired to do this because one day I saw these students at McGill - I think they were art students. That's the only reason why they would be doing something this outlandish - they brought out all these loaves of bread and formed them so it looked like a man lying on the ground and then all these pigeons came by and ate the bread up and it looked like they were eating alive a man, there was so many of them fluttering around the body, and I thought to myself, I would like to see that but with cats. Anyway, I would be like, the cat equivalent of that. People could point to the park at me, the man with a dozen cats around him at any time. I would become the Cat Man of Carre St-Louis. So, I don't need your $100,000. I just need like, $150 so I can hire a seamstress to make my Catnip Suit for me. My contingency plan. The cure for my panic attacks.

TL,DR: I would make a catnip suit, be a spectacle, folks will give me change for being outlandish.

/r/AskReddit Thread