I've Read the Challenger Sale Twice Now And I'm Having A Really Tough Time Understanding How It Is Supposed To Help Me. Does Anyone Use This Selling Model?

I personally found that book to be super helpful for me. Prior to that book, I was a total sucker for agreeing with a client, even when I thought they were wrong. Now I'm much more inclined to tactfully disagree and present an alternative opinion to theirs if I think I can teach them something. And that's really what the book is all about IMO - don't be a dick and challenge people just to maintain some alpha role, challenge them to think about an issue through a different lens. If they're beating you up on the price, challenge them to see why the price is justified through x/y/z.

I know in my job specifically, many of my clients don't like that our company "over shares" patient information with their insurer when submitting claims. I won't go into the nitty gritty of it because it's unimportant, but I used to get beat up on that a lot and always just shook my head and agreed with them, which was incredibly stupid and did nothing to help me sell (contrary to what I thought I was doing, which was building rapport and a good customer). Now I politely disagree with them and acknowledge that while we do share some information, this has helped us create better relationships with insurance companies and has dramatically driven down the cost of our product since insurers are more inclined to reimburse us. So, sure, we do share more information than some of our competitors, but our out of pocket cost to their patients is sometimes half of what a competitor would charge. In a day and age where healthcare is expensive and patients are having a tough time affording therapy, isn't it great to have that option to present to patients? Many times a client will agree with me and we move ahead of this issue, very rarely will someone fight me on it.

/r/sales Thread