Jason Turner—Witness to FULL FLIR Video in 2004 While Aboard the USS Princeton

Fravor laid eyes on his Tic-Tac

It wasn't just Fravor. That day 2 F/A-18s were sent to investigate. Fravor was piloting one aircraft and Alex Dietrich the other. Both aircraft were two seat variants so there were two more people. The Weapon Systems Officer, WSO or "wizzo". So a total of 4 people.

Per Fravor's account one of these officers saw the tic tac before he did and was trying to bring it to his attention when Fravor saw it.

Fravor, Dietrich and at least one of the wizzos is on the record, (maybe both wizzos are, I can't remember and i'm too tired to look into it) and their eyes on accounts are all very similar. Either they are all full of shit or they saw it.

/r/UFOs Thread Parent Link - youtu.be