Jasper is the worst

Honestly, I kinda agree.

Mainly because Jasper as a whole, outside of one hell of A BADASS introduction, is kind of a shit tier character. I mean seriously, the most depth she has is from an interview: her hating herself is never once touched upon in the show outside of a vague "Blink and you miss it" moment. In the show she's just a nasty sadist who likes hurting people and has a hard on for fusion.

There's also the fact that her final moments tried to paint her in a sympathetic light despite her quite seriously having no redeeming qualities beforehand: she forced Lapis to fuse and was Malachite's dominant personality when she rampaged near the watermelon island, she gleefully assaulted a small child, was an asshole to Peridot, made sure to emotionally destroy Amethyst while beating the absolute pigshit out of her, and enslaved and abused Gem monsters for funsies. Her getting the sympathetic treatment in Earthlinga would have been more deserving if we saw something, ANYTHING : why not show her abiding by a strict honor code? Why not have her get along with and respect Peridot? Why not have her state that she wants to avenge her fallen comrades in arms by defeating the Gems? I'm sorry, but she absolutely did NOTHING to deserve her "Boo hoo hoo my Diamond is dead ;w;" moment and for us to pity her because of that, and as a result it was a laughable moment.

I mean, I have nothing against full-heel villains who revel in their evil and have no redeeming qualities, but when you want to make a sympathetic villain... actually make her sympathetic.

/r/stevenuniverse Thread