US jets intercepted Russian bombers off the California and Alaska coasts on July 4

Yea um things are not exactly as heroic and ideal as you make them to be. First I completely agree that a large chunk of population would be pretty willing to join the civilian militia but that's not a very effective fighting force.

And also that would happen in pretty much every country out there. And also I think you overestimate just how many people would be willing and how many would rather retreat to safer location and stay with their families hence why they are civilians not reservists, guardists or active military.

Arming the civilian population is not really hard but history has shown that plays out pretty bad when pinned even with massively large numbers against a trained, established and proven fighting force.

I don't doubt people would be more than willing especially looking towards Texas and down the bible belt but again how effective do you think your back hill hillbillies or your avg civilian with 0 training or experience in strategy or military maneuvers would be.

It's a nice idea of armed civilian population rising up to fight against occupying force but their effect would not be as good as you assume.

Take Texas for example what I would think is most likely most armed and gunnut state in US. It has 40% obesity, 40%, 10.9% of population are diabetics. Ranks 13th in Obesity how do you think such a population would fare against a fit military force ?

And it's not just the fit for military service, what about field leadership sure they could have general leadership under US military but would be missing the most crucial thing field leadership.

They could also easily get in the way of US army operations.

And most important chaos brings most unimaginable things to reality and it does not take much to get the ball rolling and before you know it maybe south would like to revisit this Union.

Anyhow time wasted as none of this is a scenario in reality.

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