Jewish Space Laser lady comparing Covid to "Farts"....

lol not really, Bacteria != viruses. Viruses are significantly smaller than bacteria. Covid19 is a virus

Right, she's making a stupid comparison.

While I would agree that N95's are effective, the majority of masks used by the public are cloth masks or surgical masks.

Yeah. How many buttholes need to be protected from other people's airborne fecal matter? Not many. But by wearing underwear/pants, the air is protected from the fecal matter that comes out of people's butts when they fart.

That's broadly how cloth masks work. Cloth masks don't protect you from COVID. They do protect other people from COVID if you have it, knowingly or unknowingly.

In other words, everyone farts. It's not really a big deal because most people wear pants. But if you go into someone's house, get naked, and fart on their couch, that definitely makes you a shitty person. You get me?

She doesn't have a great argument, but I also wouldn't be shaming it.

I mean, you did:

lol not really, Bacteria != viruses. Viruses are significantly smaller than bacteria. Covid19 is a virus


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