Judge dismisses Sandy Hook families' lawsuit against gun maker

When it makes sense to, yes. Absolutely. No qualms about it whatsoever. In fact, it bothers ME that it seems to bother you so much because it tells you me you have deeply irrational views on how the world works...

No right should be restricted in any manner, only liability imposed upon the individual using that right to infringe on the life, liberty, or property of another.

What purpose would you have for taxing speech?

Speech causes more damage than any other right.

If you had a absolute RIGHT to access to some government provided platform to disseminate speech, then I could see imposing a tax for using that platform, but that is not the reality in which we live.

We do, the internet and airwaves. Main hubs are controlled by Gov't.

As I said in my previous post, you already bear the costs of your own speech, so there really isn't a reason for the government to impose a tax on it.

There is no cost for speech.

That's not really a right, so much as it is a prohibition on the government.

I hate to break it to you, but that is exactly what EVERY right in the constitution is, it's a prohibition on the gov't from infringing on preexisting rights.

And you do pay for the government to house and feed soldiers out of your general income taxes.

Only roughly 19% of the population actually does as all except for that 19% either pay no taxes or receive back more in gov't benefits than they pay in with taxes. Feeding soldiers is not comparable to having them being quartered in your home. You must have missed 4th grade history class.

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