Just broke up with my girlfriend of two years

So 6 months ago I saw her texting someone a lot and I called her out on it and she said look in my phone. So I did and I saw no texts from the day besides me and I got suspicious and so I snooped a little harder and to my and her surprise I found a duplicate of her best friends contact one with different emojis. So I open one and recognize her friends number (I met her thru the friend) and so I ask who the other is and when I tossed it into her Facebook it came up as this guy she used to talk to back before we met.

She said he just texted her a few times and she talked to him it was nothing more and was a stupid mistake on her part. I didn't know if I bought it or not but I spent a few days not speaking to her and then decided to talk to her and she said give her one more shot so I decided over a year into it why not see what happens.

Fast forward to tonight and we are out to eat things have been good. Sure sometimes I have my doubts but overall I've decided I should trust her and over the last 2 years when out to eat she never hides her phone. Well I see her get a text and respond fast, then I see her get a text look at me and back down and flip the phone over and a few minutes later answers. Then she gets another text and looks at it and tucks the phone under her leg. Now I know it could've been anything but it made me suspicious so I wait till after dinner to not make a scene in public and I call her out on it. She says look at my phone I have nothing to hide to which I said you've said this before. She freaks out and says if I can't trust her then I need to learn to get over my insecurities or we can't be together. I was caught off guard by her telling me to go home so I questioned it and she said just leave so I did.

I get home she texts me and we argue and she says if I can't get over the past then she'd rather not be with me and I say if something like this is worth giving up on it all over then obviously I care more about the relationship than she does and it ended.

I don't know how to feel or what to think. I've never told anyone about the texting another guy thing and so now this is the first time I've got any of this off my chest

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