I just had an incredible connection with someone abruptly end. I’m torn apart, and I have no idea how to comprehend what just happened.

I definitely get where you’re coming from - I have interacted with creators who do what you’re describing. Short of posting our conversations, it just never appeared evident that she was stringing me along to remain a customer. If she was, why did she give me her personal info? I’ve never had a content creator do that.

During our conversations, she claims that I helped her “reawaken” herself, or something along those lines. Then she mentioned to me that she’s moving on from being a content creator, and asked for my input on how to do so.

If her intent was to “keep me hooked”, why would she quit being a content creator? I mean, I can’t be a customer if she doesn’t provide services anymore. Her OF page is gone. Her Reddit/insta is completely cleaned up (because I showed her how to clear Reddit history).

Believe me, if I thought I was getting played I’d admit it myself.

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