just a heads up to those god like players who get teamed up with a guy like myself who isnt the worst but no where near the best..

Lol i remamber people like you who literally run like headless chickens into 1vs 6 fight and die. Then screetch on voip telling peopel to kms. Also getting red with rage when i refuse to respawn them and watch them die in agony as they are ripping their vocal cords apart.

I actually play this game fairly passively. I literally never push solo, unless I know I'm in a 1v1 fight and I'm trying to pounce on a good chunk of damage. I'm 30, so I haven't raged at a video game in probably a solid decade, and I've never had an instance of a teammate refusing to respawn me. That's some really nice projection you just did though.

You are allowed to say whatever you want - bare the consequences.

The consequences of shit talking should be more shit talking. Not some kid who's too emotionally unstable to play an online video game, and decides to throw the match as a form of petty revenge.

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