Ladies who are/have been through a rough patch with your SO... how did you manage it?

Hello /u/HeyLolitaHey89, I understand that you don't want to get into too much detail, I just wish you the best, stay strong, you can make it through this. Every rough patch in life bears the chance to grow as a person and I really hope that you get the advice you need from my or other's comments! :)

We hit a rough patch after 1 1/2 years of our relationship. Personal insecurities, childhood traumata and resentment came up in one instance. I was very young and inexperienced, but we made it through it and are going stronger than ever.

I carefully observed my actions. You can't change what happened, but you can influence how it affects you. I knew that we were in a critical place and how we both handled it held the possibility to get out of it. It's like in a boss fight, where you know that every tiny action can be crucial and must be well-thought.

I never allowed myself to let the communication run dry. If I felt bad, I tried not to handle it by passive-agressively making him feel bad as well, but told him camly what bothered me at the moment. I encouraged him to do the same and he did.

I also tried not to build further resentment. I focused on the positive aspects, tried to be thankful for all the great moments we had so far and to look forwards to the great moments that would be still ahead of us if we power though this. Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get ill.

When the rough patch was mostly over, I tried to re-build what we had. We never brought it up in a accusing manner, it was a thing of the past that we overcame. And it allowed us to grow stronger, to learn from each other and to prove each other, how much our relationship meant to us and how we are ready to fight for it again, when it will be necessary.

/r/AskWomen Thread