The last day my brother ever attended seminary.

  1. "only" and "15 minutes late" do not belong together in the same sentence. 15 minutes late is very late, would he do that to another class? How about showing up 15 minutes late for work?

refer to my comment... "Also he said "only fifteen minutes late" because class periods are 55 minutes long and the teacher claimed class was halfway over and could not mark him present." Hopefully work isn't as important as seminary... oh wait it isnt. if you disagree leave this sub. I would agree that being late for work is unacceptable I don't see what your argument is.

  1. Regardless of the subject matter, right or wrong the teacher is doing what he is paid for and believes in. Your brother's issue with seminary is not between him and the teacher, it's between him and your parents. This incident has now clouded the issue, hopefully this teacher does not get chewed out by either one of your parents.

as I stated, my brother does not have anything against the teacher... correct, in fact he barely knows him, only attended the class a couple times before which is kind of why I even posted the screenshot, my parents will not be involved with something as silly as this (waste of time, do not care, no substance)

  1. If your brother wants to treat another person like that, adult or otherwise, he should be man enough to deal with the other person's reaction.

I really don't know what to say to this comment.

  1. As far as giving him credit for being there? Take seminary out of the picture for a moment. What about the other kids who did show up on time? Are they supposed to just accept the fact that he gets 15 minutes extra sleep and full credit? I have an employee that I hired a month ago that is going to lose his job. His performance is OK but he is constantly late 3-5 minutes late. I have spoken to him twice about it, he doesn't think it's a big deal. What he doesn't see is other employees reactions.

My brother doesn't care about the credit. Yes, think about the other kids.... What they must've been thinking as their teacher left the room to chase down two teenagers that he just shit on.... My brother doesnt take early morning seminary dont know why you assumed that... AND you run a business???!?!?!? HOW?!?!? you have no critical thinking skills!

  1. I don't know how to respond to your comment suggesting the teacher should just be "thankful" he showed up. Were you serious? If so, why should someone be thankful for him saundering in late and disrupting the class?

You seem to have forgotten what we are talking about here that's okay i've kind of noticed youre not too bright of an individual, seminary teachers are supposed to bring all unto christ, my brother rarely attended this class and showed up late and the teacher didnt know why. he couldve got there as fast as he could who is the teacher to judge? instead he ran my brother away.

You shouldnt post on the sub anymore. take my advice. Please.

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