Leaders of pro-Kurdish political party arrested in southern Turkey.

Edit: I sympathize with their ideals not their methods.

This makes zero sense. Ideals guide methods if they're actual ideals. If not, they're a fabricated image and propaganda.

You might mean "I sympathize with image they fabricated", but in that case, there's nothing to be sympathetic of. You're rather saying that you were deluded into believing it is innocuous, which is probably the case.

But what I'm now being made aware of is exactly what I was looking for.

Or you can do a less "quick" read on them. The sheer amount of atrocities committed by PKK over the years isn't difficult to find. I don't have a particular bone to pick with them; this stuff is fairly common for an ethnic/nationalist conflict.

But the manner in which someone on reddit reading on the topic for the fast time goes read a militant communist party's wikipedia page and immediately says "Oh look, "Marxist-Leninism", what can be wrong with that" and has to come back here to ask what atrocities they might have committed is just insane. This isn't an opportunity for you to pontificate about your far-leftard idealism. Find a conflict where thousands of civilians haven't died on both sides in brutal inhuman ways.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - bbc.co.uk